Friday, October 17, 2008

The BPMN event was a great sucess!

Yesterday took place yet another event of the ABPMP GA. This time the speaker was Rick Geneva who made a great introduction to BPMN (Business Process Modeling Event). Here are some pictures of the event.

During the event, Rick Geneva highlighted the importance of BPMN in the world of BPM and how its rich ontology can be used to model a process in such way that it can be used both by the engineering and business people.

Being able to merge the synergies within the organization, and having everyone have a common view of the organization's processes is one of Rick's passions. Rick demonstrated how a BPMN diagram is easy to understand and it truly depicts (with absolute accuracy) the process. Rick made is point by comparing a BPMN with the tools that most of people still use such as MS-Visio (out-of-the-box).

Rick also made the event very open to questions and answers, which made the event extremely useful. It was very refreshing to see that there are a lot of people as passionate about BPM.


Alan Crean said...


Have a look at the 4 min video on to see the easy way to deliver process maps in bpmn

Derek Miers said...

So BPMI was "bought out" by the OMG ... you would think that an author of a book would at least get his facts straight.

BPMI merged with the OMG - effectively folded into the Business Modeling and Integration Domain Task Force.

As for the book - I suggest you look at the new bible of BPMN (which I authored with Stephen White ... effectively the main author of the spec).

Derek Miers said...

Forgot to add the plug to the book - The BPMN Modeling and Reference Guide (do a search and I am sure you will find it). The publisher is Future Strategies