Thursday, September 4, 2008

More ABPMP Chapters Forming

ABPMP is rapidly growing both domestically and abroad, according to the August status report, from the ABPMP national team. There are currently eight chapters forming: Boston, Charlotte, Montreal, Nordic, Paris, Panama, Phoenix, and Vancouver. Also, China, Lebanon and the UK have all inquired about forming chapters. So far the Brazil chapter has the largest membership at 66 with Philadalephia not far behind at 59. ABPMP membership is now 448 strong; August saw an increase of 48.

Spread the word
It’s encouraging to see the chapters increasing, but we still have a long way to go to become the largest business process management professional group. So, do your part and spread the word. Share your enthusiasm of BPM with your friends and colleagues, point them to the ABPMP website and invite them to the next chapter meeting!

Attend our event
ABPMP Georgia is holding a quarterly meeting on September 10 from 4:30-6:30 pm at Turner Broadcasting System, 1050 Techwood Dr NW, Atlanta, GA 30318. Please come join us. If you can’t make it by 4:30, stop in when you can. For more information about the meeting, go to the events calendar on the ABPMP Georgia website and click on the event for September 10. You can register for this event by filling out the registration form. Also, read Filipe Pinto’s entry on this blog: September 10th event, you can’t miss it!

Chapter Metrics
Following lists the ABPMP Chapters (thanks to Dave Carter from ABPMP Chapter Services).

Active Chapters
Chapter: July 08 membership#, August 08 membership#
Birmingham: 10, 11
Brazil: 50, 66
Chicago: 35, 33
Denver: 27, 23
Georgia: 13, 14
Mexico: 11, 11
NY Metro: 24, 24
Philadelphia: 63, 59
Portland OR: 14, 13
Romania: 7, 7
SE Michigan: 9, 10
Tampa Bay: 15, 17
Washington DC: 39, 39

Forming Chapters
Chapter: membership #
Boston: 7
Charlotte: 3
Montreal: 1
Nordic: 10
Panama: 0
Paris: 1
Phoenix: 6
Vancouver: 2

Potential Chapters

September 10th Event - You can't miss it!

Please join us for the Quarterly ABPMP meeting in Atlanta, Georgia on Wednesday, September 10, 2008, at 4:30 -6:30 PM, at the Turner Broadcasting System, 1050 Techwood Dr NW,Atlanta, GA 30318.

Our special guest speaker, Kristin Howlett is also a 2008 'Women in Technology(WIT) - Women of Year' nominee!

Come and learn how Kristin has put DeKalb County, Georgia in the ranks of the Fortune 500 companies. Kristin will address initiatives that have earned her speaking engagements at several BPM conferences and panel discussions at Harvard's Business School. She will specifically address a process improvement solution that is gaining exposure and replication in many of the larger cities/counties spanning the US.

Hear how DeKalb County Government turned the implementation of a “call center” into the largest process improvement project the county has undertaken. Hear Kristen explain how DeKalb's “311”, once known as the governmental “Citizen Shuffle,” has evolved into a central point of communication for citizens and their governments across the country.

Click here to register! Tell us your coming a join the BPM family of Georgia!